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Dr. C.M. (Corinna) Oschatz

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
CW : Political Communication & Journalism
Photographer: Popupartists

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Postal address
  • Postbus 15791
    1001 NG Amsterdam
Contact details
Social media
  • About Corinna Oschatz

    I am an Assistant Professor of Political Communication and Journalism at the Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR), University of Amsterdam. I hold a PhD in communication science from the University of Mainz (2016) and completed a Postdoc at the University of Landau. During my Postdoc, I have also been a guest researcher at Cornell University (NY, USA) and a guest lecturer at the University of Bern (Switzerland).

    In my research I focus on: 

    • The use and acceptance of negative campaigning 
    • The persuasive effects of narrative communication
    • Transformation processes in journalism induces by social media and their effect on news coverage and public opinion

    Research expertise

    • Negative campaigning
    • Narrative persuasion
    • Media use and political knowledge gain
    • Political journalism
    • Public opinion

    Other links

  • Research

    Research methods

    • (automated) content analysis
    • (panel) surveys
    • experiments
    • meta-analysis

    Current research projects

    • In a project funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), we combine computational methods and candidate surveys to examine the determinants that drive the use of negative campaigning in state and federal elections (with Jürgen Maier (RPTU) and Sebastian Stier (U Mannheim/Gesis),
    • In a PhD project funded by the Dutch Ministry of Education and ASCoR, we explore the influence of social norms on citizens' acceptance of negative and uncivil attacks. Will a harsher tone during election campaigns establish themselves as the new norm and what dynamics unfold over the course of an election campaign?
    • I am a senior researcher in the EU-funded project TWON - TWin of an Online Social Network (Horizon 2020). Together with our European partners, we are developing a social network structure and investigating the effects of social network architecture on discourse dynamics and debate quality.
    • In an interdisciplinary PhD project funded by the Research Priority Area (RPA) of the University of Amsterdam, we are studying the impact of the linguistic architecture of narrative messages on the polarization of political views.
  • Teaching


    •    Citizens and Public Opinion
    •    Psychology in Political Communication
    •    Good Research Practices Preparations
    •    Thesis Preparation (PolCom)
    •    Thesis supervision (PolCom, Research Master)

    PhD Supervision

    • ‘That’s (not) appropriate’ – Examining the Impact and Consequences of Social Norms on Voters’ Acceptance of Negative Campaigning
  • Publications


    • Bast, J., & Oschatz, C. (2025). Which Visuals Really Matter? Effects of (Counter) Stereotypical Visual Information on Candidate Evaluations. Communication Research. Advance online publication.
    • Engelmann, I., & Oschatz, C. M. (in press). The Heuristic-Systematic Model. In A. Nai, D. Wirtz, & M. Grömping (Eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Political Communication Edward Elgar Publishing.
    • Maier, J., Oschatz, C. M., Stier, S., Dian, M., & Sältzer, M. (2025). Beyond rationality. Toward a more comprehensive understanding of the use of negative campaigning. European Political Science Review. Advance online publication.
    • Oschatz, C. M., & Broersma, M. (in press). Social media as news source. In A. Nai, D. Wirtz, & M. Grömping (Eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Political Communication Edward Elgar Publishing.
    • Stier, S., Oschatz, C. M., Clemm von Hohenberg, B. F. D. F., Maier, J., Nai, A., & Kirkizh, N. (2025). When do candidates “go negative”? A conjoint analysis to unpack the mechanisms of negative campaigning. Electoral Studies, 93(102894).


    • Maier, J., Oschatz, C., Dian, M., & Zettler, I. (2024). Test-retest reliability of the political elites aversive personality scale (PEAPS). Studia psychologica, 24(1), 23–29. [details]
    • Oschatz, C. M., Gil-Lopez, T., Paltra, D., Stier, S., & Schultz, T. (2024). Social media posts as source for political news coverage in- and outside election campaigns: Examining effects on deliberative news media quality. Journalism: theory, practice and criticism, 25(8), 1638-1656.
    • Oschatz, C. M., Maier, J., Dian, M., & Geber, S. (2024). ‚That’s not appropriate!‘ Examining social norms as predictors of negative campaigning. Political Behavior. Advance online publication.




    • Oschatz, C., Emde-Lachmund, K., & Klimmt, C. (2021). The persuasive effect of journalistic storytelling: Experiments on the portrayal of exemplars in the news. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 98(2), 407-427.
    • Stier, S., Maier, J., & Oschatz, C. (2021). Die Nutzung sozialer Medien durch Kandidaten im Bundestagswahlkampf 2017. [The use of social media by candidates in the 2017 federal election campaign]. In B. Weßels, H. Schoen, & O. W. Gabriel (Eds.), Wahlen und Wähler. Analysen aus Anlass der Bundestagswahl 2017 [Elections and voters. Analyses of the Bundestag elections 2017] (pp. 415-432). Springer.


    • Maurer, M., Oschatz, C., & Haßler, J. (2020). Wie Menschen zukünftige Temperaturveränderungen durch den Klimawandel einschätzen: Drei Experimente zur heuristischen Urteilsbildung unter Ungewissheit [How people estimate future temperature developments caused by climate change: Three experiments on heuristic judgment under uncertainty]. In N. Jackob, O. Quiring, & M. Maurer (Eds.), Von Tradition und Transformation des Öffentlichen. [Traditions and transformations of the public sphere] (pp. 205-222). Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH.
    • Oschatz, C., & Marker, C. (2020). Long-term persuasive effects in narrative communication research: A meta-analysis. Journal of Communication, 70(4), 473-496.


    • Haßler, J., Maurer, M., & Oschatz, C. (2019). What you see is what you know: The influence of involvement and eye movement on online users’ knowledge acquisition. International Journal of Communication : IJoC, 13, 3739-3763.
    • Oschatz, C., Maurer, M., & Haßler, J. (2019). Learning from the news about the consequences of climate change: An amendment of the cognitive mediation model. JCOM, Journal of Science Communication, 18(2), Article A07 .


    • Oschatz, C. (2018). Wissen im Wandel. Eine Studie zum Einfluss der Klimaberichterstattung auf den klimapolitischen Wissenserwerb der Rezipienten. [Knowledge in flux. A study on the impact of climate change news coverage on the acquisition of knowledge on climate change]. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.


    • Haßler, J., Maurer, M., & Oschatz, C. (2016). So gut wie sicher? Die Darstellung der Ungewissheit klimawissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse durch Wissenschaft, Massenmedien und Politik. [A safe guess? The presentation of uncertainty in climate change coverage in science, mass media and politics]. In G. Ruhrmann, L. Guenther, & S. H. Kessler (Eds.), Wissenschaftskommunikation zwischen Risiko und (Un-)Sicherheit. [Science communication between risk and (un)certainty] (pp. 122-142). Herbert von Halem.
    • Maurer, M., & Oschatz, C. (2016). The Influence of online media on political knowledge. In G. Vowe, & P. Henn (Eds.), Political communication in the online world. Theoretical approaches and research designs (pp. 73-87). (Routledge research in political communication; Vol. 13). Routledge.
    • Oschatz, C., & Klimmt, C. (2016). The effectiveness of narrative communication in road safety education: A moderated mediation model. Communications : The European Journal of Communication Research, 41, 145-165.


    • Baumann, E., Geber, S., Klimmt, C., Maurer, M., Oschatz, C., & Sülflow, M. (2015). Grenzen der Wirksamkeit präventiver Botschaften am Beispiel von Verkehrssicherheitskampagnen. [Limits to the effectiveness of preventive measures using the example of traffic safety campaigns]. In M. Schäfer, O. Quiring, C. Rossmann, M. R. Hastall, & E. Baumann (Eds.), Gesundheitskommunikation im gesellschaftlichen Wandel. [Health communication in times of social change] (pp. 213-222). (Medien + Gesundheit; Vol. Band 10). Nomos.
    • Haßler, J., Maurer, M., & Oschatz, C. (2015). Media logic and political logic online and offline. In J. Strömbäck, & F. Esser (Eds.), Making sense of mediatized politics. Theoretical and empirical perspectives (pp. 182-197). (Journalism studies). Routledge.
    • Oschatz, C. (2015). Narrative Kommunikationsstrategien zur Förderung sicherheitsbewusster Einstellungen in der Verkehrserziehung. [Narrative communication strategies to promote safety awareness in traffic education]. In C. Klimmt, M. Maurer, H. Holte, & E. Baumann (Eds.), Verkehrssicherheits-Kommunikation. Beiträge der empirischen Forschung zur strategischen Unfallprävention. [Traffic safety communication] (pp. 221-238). Springer Verlag.
    • Oschatz, C., Maurer, M., & Haßler, J. (2015). Klimawandel im Netz. Die Digitalisierung von Informationskanälen und ihre Folgen für die Öffentlichkeit. [Climate change on the Internet. The digitalization of media channels and its consequences for the public]. In R. Hohlfeld, T. Knieper, & O. Hahn (Eds.), Digitale Öffentlichkeit(en). [Digital public spheres] (pp. 149-163). (Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft). Herbert von Halem Verlag.


    • Haßler, J., Maurer, M., & Oschatz, C. (2014). Media Logic and Political Logic Online and Offline. Journalism Practice, 8(3), 326-341.
    • Oschatz, C., Maurer, M., & Haßler, J. (2014). (R)Evolution der Politikberichterstattung im Medienwandel? Die Inhalte von nachrichtenjournalistischen Online- und Offline-Angeboten im Vergleich. [(R)Evolution of political news coverage in a shifting media landscape? A comparism of online and offline political news coverage]. Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 62(1), 25-41.


    • Maier, J., Oschatz, C., Stier, S., Dian, M., & Clemm von Hohenberg, B. (2024). Ergebnisse der Kandidatenbefragung zur Abgeordnetenhauswahl 2023 in Berlin [Candidate survey for the Berlin House of Representatives Election 2023],
    • Maier, J., Oschatz, C., Stier, S., Dian, M., & Clemm von Hohenberg, B. (2024). Kandidatenbefragung zur Bürgerschaftswahl 2023 in Bremen [Candidate survey for the 2023 parliamentary elections in Bremen],
    • Maier, J., Oschatz, C., Stier, S., Dian, M., & Sältzer, M. (2024). Ergebnisse der Kandidatenbefragung zur Landtagswahl 2022 in Niedersachsen [Candidate survey for the 2022 state election in Lower Saxony],
    • van Erkel, P. F. A., Tsoulou-Malakoudi, A., & Oschatz, C. M. (2024). Hate Thy Neighbor Like My Party Does? Negative Appeals in Elite Communications and Affective Polarization in Multiparty Systems. In Politicologenetmaal 2024


    • Maier, J., Oschatz, C., Stier, S., Dian, M., & Sältzer, M. (2023). Ergebnisse der Kandidatenbefragung zur Landtagswahl 2022 in Saarland [Results of the candidate survey for the 2022 state election in Saarland],
    • Maier, J., Oschatz, C., Stier, S., Dian, M., & Sältzer, M. (2023). Ergebnisse der Kandidatenbefragung zur Landtagswahl 2022 in Schleswig-Holstein [Results of the candidate survey for the 2022 state election in Schleswig-Holstein],


    • Maier, J., Oschatz, C., Stier, S., Dian, M., & Sältzer, M. (2022). Ergebnisse der Kandidatenbefragung zur Abgeordnetenhauswahl 2021 in Berlin [Results of the candidate survey for the Berlin House of Representatives Election 2021],
    • Maier, J., Oschatz, C., Stier, S., Dian, M., & Sältzer, M. (2022). Ergebnisse der Kandidatenbefragung zur Landtagswahl 2021 in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern [Results of the candidate survey for the 2021 state election in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania],
    • Maier, J., Oschatz, C., Stier, S., Dian, M., & Sältzer, M. (2022). Ergebnisse der Kandidierendenbefragung zur Landtagswahl 2021 in Sachsen-Anhalt [Results of the candidate survey for the 2021 state election in Saxony-Anhalt]


    • Maier, J., Oschatz, C., & Stier, S. (2021). Wahlkampfkommunikation in Deutschland. Ausgewählte Ergebnisse einer Studie unter Pfälzer Stadträten zur Rolle von Persönlichkeitseigenschaften [Campaign communication in Germany. Selected results of a study among Rhineland-Palatinate city councils on the role of personality traits]
    • Maier, J., Oschatz, C., Stier, S., Dian, M., & Sältzer, M. (2021). Ergebnisse der Kandidierendenbefragung zur Landtagswahl 2021 in Baden-Württemberg [Results of the candidate survey for the 2021 state election in Baden-Wuerttemberg]
    • Maier, J., Oschatz, C., Stier, S., Dian, M., & Sältzer, M. (2021). Ergebnisse der Kandidierendenbefragung zur Landtagswahl 2021 in Rheinland-Pfalz [Results of the candidate survey for the 2021 state election in Rhineland-Palatinate]


    • Klimmt, C., Geber, S., Maurer, M., Oschatz, C., & Sülflow, M. (2017). Evaluation der Kampagnenfortsetzung 2013/2014 "Runter vom Gas!", Berichte der Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen M, Mensch und Sicherheit. [Evaluation of the German road safety campaign „Runter vom Gas!”, Reports of the Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen M, Human & Safety]. Fachverlag NW.


    • Heseltine, M. J., Münker, S., Stolwijk, S. B., Trilling, D. C., & Oschatz, C. M. (2024). Generative User Content for Social Media Platforms: Comparing LLM Effectiveness and Approaches. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap.
    • Oschatz, C. M., Maier, J., Dian, M., & Geber, S. (2024). ‚That’s not appropriate!‘ Examining social norms as predictors of negative campaigning. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap.


    • Bast, J., & Oschatz, C. (2023). What Visuals Do Matter? Effects of (Counter) Stereotypical Visual Information on Candidate Evaluations. Paper presented at (Non-)binarity in Binary Structures – The Digital Communication of Identity and Diversity: Joint Annual Conference of the DGPuK-Divisions Digital Communication and “Media, Public Spheres and Gender”.
    • Bast, J., & Oschatz, C. (2023). What Visuals Do Matter? Effects of (Counter) Stereotypical Visual Information on Candidate Evaluations. Paper presented at the annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), 25-29 May 2023, Political Communication Division, Toronto, CA.
    • Wirz, D. S. W., Oschatz, C., & Möller, J. E. (2023). Infotainment in sozialen Medien: Wie wirken sich Dynamik, Narration und Interaktivität auf das Wissen über Nachrichtenthemen aus? [Infotainment on social media: How do dynamic presentation, narration and interactivity affect knowledge about news?]. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research (SGKM), 20-21 April, in Lucerne, Switzerland.
    • Wirz, D. S. W., Oschatz, C., & Möller, J. E. (2023). Infotainment on social media: How do dynamic presentation, narration and interaction affect knowledge about news issues?. Paper presented at the annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), 25-29 May 2023, Political Communication Division, Toronto, CA.


    • Bast, J., & Oschatz, C. (2022). Visual Information and Candidate Evaluations - A Conceptual Replication.. Paper presented at the 72nd annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), 26-30 May 2022, Paris, France.
    • Dian, M., Maier, J., & Oschatz, C. (2022). How dark is negative campaigning really? Results of a German candidate survey. Paper presented at the annual conference of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP), 14.-17. July, Athens, Greece..
    • Guenther, L., Wilhelm, C., Oschatz, C., & Brueck, J. (2022). Science communication on Twitter: Analyzing indicators of engagement in communication scholars’ tweets and their relationship with user interaction. Paper presented at the ICA-Preconference “The science of science communication: Mapping the field”, 25 May 2022, 72nd ICA annual conference, Paris, France.
    • Oschatz, C., Stier, S., Paltra, D., Gil-Lopez, T., & Schulz, T. (2022). The use of tweets in political news coverage in- and outside election campaigns: Examining potential effects on news media quality. Paper presented at the joint annual conference of the division "Communication and Politics" of the DGPuK, the working group "Politics and Communication of the DVPW and the division "Political Communication" of the SGKM, 28. – 30. September in Trier..
    • Sältzer, M., Oschatz, C., & Stier, S. (2022). Classifying negative campaigning at scale: A study of candidates’ social media communication across eight German elections. Paper presented at at the spring conference of the section "methods of empirical social research" of the German Association for Sociology, 25-26 March 2022, Virtual Conference.
    • Sältzer, M., Stier, S., Maier, J., & Oschatz, C. (2022). Determinants of negative campaigning during pandemic times in Germany: Evidence from linked candidate surveys and social media data. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA), 15-18 September 2022, Montréal, Québec, Canada.


    • Bast, J., Oschatz, C., & Renner, A. (2021). Facing a 'Double Bind'? Female Right-Wing Populists’ Communication on Instagram and Its Impact on Voters. Paper presented at the 71st annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), 27-31 May 2021, Virtual Conference.
    • Maier, J., Stier, S., & Oschatz, C. (2021). Are candidates rational when it comes to negative campaigning? Empirical evidence from four German candidate surveys. Paper presented at the ICA-Preconference “Comparative perspectives on negativity, incivility, and toxic talk in political discussions”, 27 May 2021, 71st ICA annual conference, Virtual Conference.
    • Oschatz, C., Emde-Lachmund, K., & Helmstädter, M. (2021). "Always a Happy Ending?" Research into the Cognitive Responses and Enjoyment of Crime Drama. Paper presented at the 71st annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), 27-31 May 2021, Virtual Conference.
    • Oschatz, C., Niederdeppe, J., & Liu, J. (2021). The Role of Prior Attitudes in Narrative Persuasion: Evidence from a Cross-National Study in Germany and the US. Paper presented at the "Three-country conference - DACH21", 7-9 April 2021 in Zurich.
    • Oschatz, C., Niederdeppe, J., & Liu, J. (2021). The Role of Prior Attitudes in Narrative Persuasion: Evidence from a Cross-National Study in Germany and the US. Paper presented at the 71st annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), 27-31 May 2021, Virtual Conference.


    • Oschatz, C., Stier, S., & Maier, J. (2020). „Twitter in the News“ – Eine Analyse eingebundener Tweets in der Politikberichterstattung [Twitter in the News: An analysis of embedded tweets in political news coverage]. Paper presented at the joint annual conference of the division "Communication and Politics" of the DGPuK, the working group "Politics and Communication of the DVPW and the division "Political Communication" of the SGKM, 5-7 February 2020 in Mainz.


    • Oschatz, C., & Emde-Lachmund, K. (2019). The Persuasive Effect of Journalistic Storytelling: Experiments on the Depiction of Exemplar Portrayals in the News. Paper presented at the 69th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), 24-28 May 2019 in Washington, D.C.
    • Oschatz, C., & Marker, C. (2019). Long-term Persuasive Effects in Narrative Communication Research: A Meta-Analysis. Paper presented at the 69th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), 24-28 May 2019 in Washington, D.C.


    • Haßler, J., Maurer, M., & Oschatz, C. (2018). What you see is what you know: The influence of involvement and eye movement on online users’ knowledge acquisition. Paper presented at the 68th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), 24-28 May 2018 in Prague.
    • Oschatz, C., Maurer, M., & Haßler, J. (2018). The influence of the number and frequency of repetitions of media information on the acquisition of political knowledge. Paper presented at the annual conference of the division “Reception and Impact Research” of the DGPuK, 25-27 January 2018 in Hohenheim.


    • Adam, S., Maurer, M., Häussler, T., Haßler, J., Oschatz, C., Reber, U., & Schmid-Petri, H. (2017). Climate change communication – A divide between the online and offline world. Paper presented at the ICA Preconference “Political Communication in the Online World: Empirical Findings and Theoretical Perspectives” at the 67th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), 25-29 May 2017 in San Diego.
    • Emde-Lachmund, K., Oschatz, C., & Klimmt, C. (2017). Does personalization improve audience memory for news? Exemplars, narrative involvement and information processing. Paper presented at at the 67th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), 25-29 May 2017 in San Diego.
    • Emde-Lachmund, K., Oschatz, C., & Klimmt, C. (2017). Nachricht + Protagonist = größerer Erinnerungswert? Journalistisches Storytelling, narratives Erleben und die Behaltensleistung des Publikums [News + protagonist = greater recall? Journalistic storytelling, narrative experience and audience memorability]. Paper presented at the annual conference of the division “Reception and Impact Research” of the DGPuK, 26-28 January 2017 in Erfurt.
    • Haßler, J., Maurer, M., & Oschatz, C. (2017). Der Einfluss des Involvements und des Blickverhaltens auf den Wissenserwerb von Onlinenutzern [The influence of involvement and gaze behavior on online users' knowledge acquisition]. Paper presented at the annual conference of the division “Reception and Impact Research” of the DGPuK, 26-28 January 2017 in Erfurt.
    • Oschatz, C., Emde-Lachmund, K., & Klimmt, C. (2017). Journalistic storytelling and Narrative Persuasion: The impact of different exemplar types on message-consistent attitudes. Poster session presented at at the 67th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), 25-29 May 2017 in San Diego.
    • Oschatz, C., Emde-Lachmund, K., & Klimmt, C. (2017). Narrative Persuasion und journalistisches Storytelling: Eine Studie zum Einfluss von Fallbeispielen auf Policy Support und Verhaltensintensionen [Narrative persuasion and journalistic storytelling: A study of the imapact of exemplars on policy support and behavioral intentions]. Paper presented at the annual conference of the division “Reception and Impact Research” of the DGPuK, 26-28 January 2017 in Erfurt.
    • Oschatz, C., Maurer, M., & Haßler, J. (2017). Der umgekehrte Ankereffekt: Wie die aktuelle Tagestemperatur die Einschätzung des zukünftigen Temperaturanstiegs beeinflusst [The reverse anchor effect: How the current daily temperature influences the estimation of future temperature increase]. Paper presented at at the first annual conference of the division “Science Communication”of the DGPuK, 27-29 April 2017 in Landau.


    • Legrand, M., Oschatz, C., & Dittrich, A. (2016). News values of climate change coverage. Paper presented at at the 6th European Communication Conference (ECREA), 9-12 November 2016 in Prague.
    • Oschatz, C., Legrand, M., & Dittrich, A. (2016). Subject to change. Differences in the presentation of climate change in local and national news coverage. Poster session presented at at the 6th European Communication Conference (ECREA), 9-12 November 2016 in Prague.


    • Haßler, J., Maurer, M., & Oschatz, C. (2015). Wie Rezipienten politische Onlineangebote nutzen. Eine eyetracking- und logfile-analytische Betrachtung der Rezeptionswahrscheinlichkeiten von Webseitenelementen [How recipients use online political offerings. An eye-tracking and logfile analysis of the reception probabilities of web page elements]. Paper presented at the joint annual conference of the division "Communication and Politics" of the DGPuK, the working group "Politics and Communication of the DVPW and the division "Political Communication" of the SGKM, 19-21 February 2015 in Düsseldorf.
    • Maurer, M., Oschatz, C., & Haßler, J. (2015). Individually received media content explains changes in knowledge on the consequences of climate change. Paper presented at at the 65th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), 21-25 May 2015 in Puerto Rico.
    • Maurer, M., Oschatz, C., Haßler, J., & Schaaf, L. (2015). “Es kostet nicht die Welt, den Planeten zu retten“: Die Darstellung der Ungewissheit klimawissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse in Wissenschaft, Massenmedien und Politik [“It doesn't cost the earth to save the planet": Representing the uncertainty of climate science findings in science, mass media, and politics]. Paper presented at at the 2nd annual conference of the ad-hoc working group "Science Communication" of the DGPuK, 30-31 January 2015 in Jena..


    • Baumann, E., Geber, S., Klimmt, C., Oschatz, C., & Sülflow, M. (2014). Zielgruppe = Gesundheitsrisiko plus Resistenz gegen gut gemeinte Ratschläge. Grenzen der Wirksamkeit präventiver Botschaften am Beispiel von Verkehrssicherheitskampagnen [Target group = health risk plus resistance to well-intentioned advice. Limits to the effectiveness of preventive messages using the example of road safety campaign]. Paper presented at the annual conference of the ad-hoc working group “Health Communication”of the DGPuK, 20-22 November 2014 in Mainz.
    • Baumann, E., Geber, S., Oschatz, C., Sowka, A., Sülflow, M., Maurer, M., & Klimmt, C. (2014). Road Safety Campaigns and Driver Attitudes towards safe driving: The Case of Germany, 2008-2013. Paper presented at the 5th European Communication Conference (ECREA), 12-15 November 2014 in Lisbon.
    • Oschatz, C., Maurer, M., & Haßler, J. (2014). Klimawandel im Netz. Die Digitalisierung von Informationskanälen und ihre Folgen für die Öffentlichkeit [Climate change on the web. The digitization of information channels and its consequences for the public]. Paper presented at at the 59th annual conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), 28-30 May 2014 in Passau.
    • Oschatz, C., Maurer, M., & Haßler, J. (2014). Tomorrow’s Climate and Yesterday’s News. The Impact of News Media on Knowledge and Attitudes towards Climate Change. Poster session presented at the 5th European Communication Conference (ECREA), 12-15 November 2014 in Lisbon.


    • Haßler, J., Maurer, M., & Oschatz, C. (2013). Comparing Media Logic and Party Logic in a changing media environment. Paper presented at the annual conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), 25-29 June 2013 in Dublin.
    • Oschatz, C., & Klimmt, C. (2013). Links between ‘Narrative’ and ‘Persuasion': Exploring Mediators and Moderators in a Narrative Continuum. Paper presented at at the 58th annual conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), 8-10 May in Mainz.
    • Oschatz, C., & Klimmt, C. (2013). The Role of Gender in Narrative Persuasion: Exploring the Effectiveness of Road Safety Education. Paper presented at the annual conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), 25-29 June 2013 in Dublin.


    • Maurer, M., Haßler, J., & Oschatz, C. (2012). Digitale Wissensklüfte [Digital knowledge gaps]. Poster session presented at 57th annual conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), May 18-20, 2012 in Berlin.
    • Maurer, M., Oschatz, C., & Haßler, J. (2012). Digital knowledge gaps? A model for measuring effects of offline and online media on political knowledge. Paper presented at preconference “Political communication in the online world” at the 62th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), 24-28 May 2012 in Phoenix.
    • Oschatz, C., & Klimmt, C. (2012). Mechanisms of Narrative Impact. Exploring Gender as Moderator in Mediation Processes. Paper presented at the StoryNet-Workshop “Narratives and Entertainment: The Use of Stories to make Communication more Entertaining and Effective”, 21-22 June 2012 in Amsterdam.
    • Oschatz, C., Maurer, M., & Haßler, J. (2012). Comparing political news coverage online and offline: Digital agora or more of the same. Paper presented at 4th European Communication Conference (ECREA), 24-27 October 2012, Istanbul.


    • Oschatz, C., & Klimmt, C. (2011). Narrative Persuasion in Road Safety Communication: Do the Mediators Miss the Males. Paper presented at the 61st annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), 26-30 May 2011 in Boston.

    Media appearance

    Talk / presentation

    • Oschatz, C. (speaker) (26-7-2024). Interdisziplinär, international, kooperativ – auf was kommt es an? [Interdisciplinary, international, cooperative - what is important?], Keynote for the Mentoring-Program of the Institute of Communication Science at the University of Mainz “Frauenkarrieren in der Kommunikationswissenschaft – Erfahrungsaustausch über den akademischen Karriereweg“ [“Women's careers in communication science - exchanging experiences on the academic career path”].
    • Maier, J. (speaker), Oschatz, C. (speaker), Stier, S. (speaker), Dian, M. (speaker) & Sältzer, M. (speaker) (12-12-2023). Beyond rationality. Toward a more comprehensive understanding of the use of negative campaigning., Presentation in the workshop “Election campaigns and democratic norms”.
    • Oschatz, C. (speaker) (2021). Narrative persuasion: New developments in a growing field of research, Presentation in the research colloquium of the faculty of psychology, U Koblenz-Landau, 5 May 2021 in Landau, U Koblenz-Landau.
    • Oschatz, C. (speaker) (2018). The Power of Stories - A systematic analysis of the long-term persuasive impact of narrative media content, Presentation at the spring colloquium of the Institute for Communication and Media Studies at the University of Bern on 12 April 2018 in Bern.
    • Maier, M. (speaker) & Oschatz, C. (speaker) (2018). Overcoming Cognitive Overload through Science-Slams (?)More than just entertainment (!), Presentation at the symposium "Science in Presentations" Multidisciplinary perspectives on central presentation forms of science communication at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) on 27 September 2018 in Karlsruhe.
    • Oschatz, C. (speaker) (2017). Knowledge in flux. A study on the impact of climate change news coverage on the acquisition of knowledge on climate change, Presentation at the 39th Semesterabschlusstreffen Kommunikationswissenschaft & Kommunikationsgeschichte des Instituts für Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft der Universität Leipzig on 7 July 2017 in Großbothen.


    • van Erkel, P. (participant), Tsoulou-Malakoudi, A. (participant) & Oschatz, C. (participant) (13-6-2024 - 14-6-2024). Politicologenetmaal 2024, Maastricht. Hate Thy Neighbor Like My Party Does? Negative Appeals in Elite Communications and Affective Polarization in Multiparty Systems (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Oschatz, C. (visiting researcher) (9-2019). Cornell University (visiting an external institution).
    • Oschatz, C. (organiser), Emde-Lachmund, K. (organiser) & Klimmt, C. (organiser) (24-5-2018). ICA 2018 Preconference - Long-term Effects in Narrative Communication Research (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Oschatz, C. (visiting lecturer) (2-2018 - 6-2018). Institute of Communication and Media Studies, University of Bern (visiting an external institution).
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