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Dr J.O. (Jorge) Nuñez Vega

Assistant Professor
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group: Moving Matters: People, Goods, Power and Ideas

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Room number: B5.05
Postal address
  • Postbus 15509
    1001 NA Amsterdam
Social media
  • Profile

    I am an Assistant Professor at the University of Amsterdam and a member of the AISSR Moving Matters research group. I am also a co-founder of Kaleidos – a center for interdisciplinary ethnography at the University of Cuenca in Ecuador. At Kaleidos, I co-direct two multimodal platforms: EthnoData and Prison Observatory 593.

    My geographical areas of specialization are Latin America and Southern Europe. As a multimodal and multispecies ethnographer, I write and make films at the intersections of political, economic, environmental, and visual anthropology. My work focuses on the aesthetics, ethics, and politics of speculative power and its entanglements with democracy, nature, and finance.

  • Research

    In collaboration with Ecuadorian space scientists, Indigenous scholars, environmental lawyers, and multimedia artists, my latest project, Decolonizing Earth Observation, reimagines how the Amazon is visualized from low Earth orbit. This research aims to recalibrate satellite imaging away from extractive and surveillance purposes towards ecological restoration and Indigenous sovereignties. Specifically, we explore how Earth observation evolves when nature is granted constitutional rights and oil extraction is governed democratically.

    As part of this project, I am working on a documentary about a family of llamas living in a space station located at the foothills of the Cotopaxi volcano in Ecuador. This station was built by NASA in the late 1950s as part of the first U.S. satellite tracking network, which later became part of NASA’s ground control for the Apollo missions.

    My previous research in Catalonia focused on the interplay between democracy and austerity, with particular attention to the political imagination of nationalism, the gamification of crisis, the clinical economy of speculation, and the financialization of care in later life. This ethnographic work formed the basis of my PhD in Anthropology at the University of California, Davis, and now serves as the foundation for my book manuscript, tentatively titled Austere Demos: The Political Life of Financial Markets.

    For the past twenty years, I have collaborated with prisoners, former prisoners, and their families to develop an abolitionist anthropology focused on dismantling oppressive institutions and radically reimagining democracy. My first book, Cacería de Brujos (2006), is an ethnography exploring how inmates establish self-governance and develop mechanisms to avoid everyday violence. Building on this work, my second book, Crítica a la Ideología de la Seguridad Ciudadana (2011), examines the securitization of urban life and the practices of neoliberal policing. In 2021, I directed a policy report on the Ecuadorian prison system and its data infrastructure, entitled Diagnóstico del Sistema Penitenciario del Ecuador.

    Based on my research, I produced the documentary El Comité: La Toma del Penal García Moreno (2005). This film follows a group of inmates as they took over Ecuador’s oldest maximum-security prison, a late 19th-century panopticon in Quito, in a revolt against corruption and institutional abuses. In 2014, I wrote the script for a second documentary, El Panóptico Ciego, which was made during the decommissioning of the same prison, documenting the effort to rescue its extensive archive – one of the largest prison archives in Latin America.

  • Teaching and supervision
  • Publications


    • Núñez, J. (2024). Cinematic accompaniment and care in later life in Latin America: [Film review of: J. Bellido Valdivia (2020) Persona Perpetua]. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 14(1), 271-273. [details]

    Media appearance

    • Nuñez Vega, J. (17-01-2024). 4 points to understand how prisons in Ecuador have been dominated by factions [Print] CE Noticias Financieras English. 4 points to understand how prisons in Ecuador have been dominated by factions.
    • Nuñez Vega, J. (11-08-2023). Wednesday’s assassination of a presidential candidate is the second high-profile political killing in less than a month in Ecuador. Fernando Villavicencio was killed as he left a political rally – and popular city mayor Agustín Intriago was shot dead while attending a public event only two weeks ago. During Guillermo Lasso’s presidency, eight public officials or candidates for office have been killed and several have survived murder attempts. How can we understand the spiral of political violence in Ecuador? How did Ecuador go from being one of the safest countries in Latin America to being one the most violent countries in the region? [Print] The Guardian. In Ecuador, a Presidential Candidate was Assassinated. The tragedy is that no one was surprised.
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  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities