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This lecture explores innovative methods to measure identity-based exclusion in civil conflict research, featuring new approaches that address longstanding challenges in analyzing ethnic diversity and political inclusion.
Event details of Exclusion Based on Ethnic Identity: Innovations in Measurement
14 October 2024
12:00 -13:30
Dr. Kyle Marquardt

About this lecture

Quantitative scholarship on civil conflict largely relies upon the ethnic group as the foundation for measures of politically-relevant diversity. However, ethnicity remains notoriously difficult to measure: even cutting-edge analyses are subject to the issues of intra- and inter-ethnic variation in identity salience that plagued earlier work. With this project, Kyle Marquardt explores a new way to measure identity-based exclusion. Specifically, he uses latent variable models to combine data from both the Ethnic Power Relations Project, which uses the demographic size of politically-relevant ethnic groups to operationalize inclusion; and the Varieties of Democracy Project, which measures overall identity-based inclusion without directly accounting for demographic group size. The latent variable models combine insights from both measurement approaches, ameliorating concerns about using either strategy in isolation. In addition to providing cross-nationally cohesive data on identity-based exclusion for future work, these models provide a framework for scholars to build their own theoretically-driven models of politically-relevant diversity.

About the speaker

Kyle Marquardt is Associate Professor of Comparative Politics at the University of Bergen, as well as Project Manager for Measurement and Methods at the V-Dem Project and Associate Editor for Research Notes at Communist and Post-Communist Studies. He received his PhD from UW-Madison in 2015, and previously worked as Assistant Professor of Politics and Governance at HSE University (2019-2022), and as Associate Research Professor and Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Political Science at the University of Gothenburg (2015-2019).  His work has most recently been published in the American Political Science Review, PS: Political Science and Politics, and Post-Soviet Affairs.

Roeterseilandcampus - building B/C/D (entrance B/C)

Room C3.02
Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
1018 WV Amsterdam